Care Consultants collaborate to support the Care Sector
In this time of national crisis the whole country needs to work together to keep us safe. Care Consultants UK is an association of some of the UK’s leading social care consultants and lawyers. We have decided that in order to best help the social care sector we should collaborate so that we can work remotely, travel less and support the sector with compliance. Our network comprises over 30 subject experts and we offer a wide range of services such as those listed below. We have agreed to; share clients, collaborate with work and look out for each other. Some of the things that we can offer include:-
Remote audits
Review of policies and procedures
Infection control advice and support
Medication management support
Mentoring of managers
Supervision and appraisals of staff (via phone/ skype)
Development of training plans
Completion of the CQC PIR
Tender writing
Distance learning training
E learning training
Business planning
Legal advice and support regarding enforcement and inspection reports
Review of contracts
Turnaround consultancy
This is the link to us and our expertise, you can also see where we are based in the UK. The care sector needs trainers and consultants and we need the care sector.